
Guest post by Steven Davis: Islam, jihad and the global islamic revolution

This is by Steven Davis who is one of my best friends. We go way back. All the way back to elementary school, as a matter of fact. Steven is by far, one of the most intelligent, loyal and deeply spiritual people I have the pleasure of knowing. Anyone who drops by PC on a regular basis knows that I am very spiritual and love the Lord. If you have a problem with that then perhaps you may want to skip this next post. Or maybe you don't. You have nothing to lose and eternity to gain.

Thanks to Steven for his permission to let me share this.

Islam, jihad and the global Ilamic revolution
By Steven Davis

We are watching one country after another in the Middle-East experience ‘popular’ uprisings. In some commentaries this phenomenon is being referred to as the “Jasmine Revolution” and is described as a reaction to years of poverty, corruption, and oppression. While some of the countries and their leaders are corrupt the question begs the asking, “Does not Islam favor authoritarian rule over participatory government as a matter of religious tenet?” Does not Dar-al Salaam mean the “The realm of the submitted,” and Salaam mean peace as a consequence of submission? If this is true, why shouldn’t all Islamic adherents favor authoritarian and even dictatorial rule over themselves as submission to those in charge brings Allah the greatest glory.

Let us look at the list of countries that are experiencing this populist turmoil. The uprising began in Algeria, a former French colony and a functional republic if you discount the attempted insurgencies. Next is Tunisia, also a republic but not very well governed. Next door to both is Egypt, a democratic republic largely in name only but not a dictatorship as Libya is. Across the Suez and the Sinai is Jordan, which is a constitutional monarchy. And up the coast from Egypt is Lebanon, once regarded as the Switzerland of the Middle-East, that is now given over to Islamic populism and governance by Hezbollah whilst the U>S. and the Marines watch from the 50-yard line in the Mediterranean Sea. My question is, if this is about democracy and human rights, why haven’t you seen these uprisings in Iran, Saudi Arabia, Iraq or even Kuwait? Why are there stirrings in Indonesia?

The CIA and MI-5 have been watching this ‘movement’ very closely and their prognosis is that this is virtual jihad. Instead of a trumpet blast from the spire of the minaret it is a twitter, text, or writing on a facebook wall. The missives are being directed to the disaffected youth whose only possession is likely to be a cell-phone. Today (fill in the black for the country), tomorrow the world! seems to be the rallying cry. Who or what is instigating and organizing such movements? The answer that is emerging is that it is The Muslim Brotherhood and this is an ongoing effort on its part to wage jihad against the west, and anyone who disagrees with it for that matter. As all of the countries where this is occurring are Islamic countries where other religions are marginalized, it appears you must be of a fundamentalist mindset in order to join and remain a member. Thus, you do and believe what you are told. Hardly democratic, wouldn’t you say?

What has everyone’s attention, and mine as well, is the way these ‘popular’ uprisings are spreading after the same fashion as a deliberately set brushfire. I would be more inclined to believe the movement was one of disaffected and oppressed, impoverished youth if the same was occurring in Iran, or maybe it did and was brutally smashed. We know this much, Israel is encircled and out-numbered. Israel knows this and is not saying a word. The United States is being encircled and the response from the government is kowtowing to those who are organizing these uprisings. The head of the Muslim Brotherhood has been allowed entry into this country by Obama, after having entry denied by both Bushes and Clinton. Is the leader of the Brotherhood carrying a can of gas in his cell phone? The California Supreme Court has allowed the confiscation and search of a cell phone as part of the arrest procedure. Will the Leader of the Muslim Brotherhood and his Jasmine Revolution be used as a cause celebre to support the final invasion of our privacy?

If the earth is your home and this life is all you have, I would be very, very afraid. As for myself and my household, we serve the Living God. Heaven is our home and we are on the road back to where our inheritance is, our Lord sits enthroned, and our life is secured for eternity. We have read God’s Word, and have studied it diligently, and will do so until we are called home. We have been given the understanding by God’s Holy Spirit to know the strife that is spreading in the Middle-East has its source in hell. Satan and his minions know the time is short. Thus, they are doing everything they can to bring down anything that even remotely resembles Christianity and destroy it if not discredit it. The hour is indeed much nearer than when we first believed.

As for Jihad, if I lose my head for Christ, know that I already have. As for Islam, they have been judged, it is only their sentence that is waiting to be passed.

In Christ’s love, Steven Davis

2 Comments - Share Yours!:

HermitLion said...

What all these countries share in common is their affinity with the west - either the EU or the US, which made them a target.
Notice how Libya was skipped in the imaginary chain-reaction from Algeria to Egypt and Jordan. These coups were triggered in unison, which means someone had to push the button.

And if someone is pushing a button, he is doing this for a purpose.

Fortunately, Obama is right on top of things, and makes sure to back the enemies of America and civilization. At least the guy is persistent...

PatriotUSA said...

Yes, like a cancer that keeps coming back for that is what obama and his agenda are.